Full lifecycle services
with a proven approach.

Support your statistical computing needs from preclinical to commercial launch with one proven partnership.

Strong Tower delivers statistical computing and data management services to life sciences organizations at every stage of the clinical journey. Whether you’re setting up a validated data framework to support molecular discovery or are seeking scalable data management during your clinical trials, our delivery approach is marked by agility, attention to detail, a long-term view, and an exceptionally high rate
of success.

full lifecycle services
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Agility in Delivery

Life sciences timelines are immovable and unforgiving, requiring swift delivery without room for error. The rigor of our proven process ensures an agile and effective implementation to support and accelerate your molecule’s path to market.

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A Full-Lifecycle View

The statistical computing environment you implement in the preclinical stage will continue with your molecule through the clinic. Drawing upon our industry knowledge, we work with you to deliver a solution that meets you where you are and anticipates where you’re going.

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Attention to Detail

Stringent regulatory requirements demand close attention to detail in environment set up—particularly when it comes to the validation of your mission-critical data. Together our technical expertise, track record, and tailored methodology ensure the delivery of a solution that stands up to regulatory scrutiny.

Strong Tower is proud of our track record of success.


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Hosted customers

Audits per year

Vendor questionnaires completed per year

There’s strength in our services.

We engage with our customers from initial solution design through hosting, installation, qualification, and validation with a consultative, educational approach. Our services support life sciences organizations on their entire journey to market—from the set-up of a scalable and validated statistical computing environment before their molecule reaches the clinic, to the delivery of high-powered data management during their clinical trials.

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Statistical Computing Environments

Our suite of statistical computing environments is engineered to empower life sciences organizations through every phase of drug development. Our expertise extends across both validated and unvalidated systems, ensuring that you have the computational power and compliance necessary, whether in pre-clinical explorations or pivotal clinical trials.

Validated & Exploratory SAS

Rely on our deep expertise to design a validated or unvalidated environment using SAS—the gold standard for clinical data analysis.

Validated & Exploratory ManagedR

Work with us to design a robust and compliant R infrastructure that will scale seamlessly with project demands.

Version Control

Leverage our time tested source control management system to ensure accuracy and auditability throughout the clinical trial process.

Data Migration & Supporting Services

Ensure a seamless and rapid flow of data from migration to processing while maintaining data integrity and confidentiality.

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Clinical Data Management & Reporting

Our cloud-based data science platforms, including Data Lakes, are designed for rapid deployment on AWS or Azure, providing a flexible and powerful foundation for your clinical data management and reporting needs. Whether you’re conducting biomolecular analysis, clinical trial analysis, real-world evidence efforts, or exploring innovative marketing techniques, our solutions take the delivery of analysis-ready data from months to days, and hours to seconds.


Elevate your auditing capabilities of data movement and configuration changes.

Data Retrieval & Inventory

Enhance data analysis with a comprehensive data catalog from origin to final location.

Study, Milestone & Snapshot Management

Easily track study data, history, and milestones with a robust management platform.

Legacy Code Automation

Equip your organization with our cutting-edge sequencing programs to manage datasets.

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“It has been and is a pleasure working with you during this project. You’ve been extremely helpful in navigating through the options and working out the solutions to a project that ended up being even more complex than expected.”

— Director, Biometrics Programming, Mid-size Biotech Company
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Discover the Strong difference.

Speak with an expert about how we can help you bring bioanalytical computing and data management best practices to your organization.